I'm part of a team who has been looking at developing our own definition of Leadership.
Today I came across this quote in a Willow Creek Australia newsletter:
When God wants to begin a new work in the world, He almost always starts by speaking into the heart of one person. Drawing up the courage to listen, obey, and share the vision with others, these are the people we call leaders.
I really like this definition. It talks about bringing about something new; about it being God inspired; about having the courage to act,...
However, I keep coming back to the phrase, " He almost always starts by speaking into the heart of one person."
Is that right? Is it always one person? Is it possible that He could speak into the heart of a number of people, and connect them in such a way that His vision can become a reality?
In many of my past ministry experiences, a vision has been born out of a group of people who share a passion for something, praying and then brainstorming ideas - is that a vision? was it God-inspired?
I'm not arguing about the definition of leadership... just questioning whether God always always starts with one person.
Any thoughts?