Friday, February 7, 2020

Star Words

Star Words

This year at Athelstone Uniting Church I have introduced Star Words. 
In the church calendar, this is the season of Epiphany. In remembering that night long ago when God used a star to reveal the newborn Christ to the world to the wise men (magi) and to all of us, I gave each person their own star.
Each star has a different word and was randomly selected out of a basket.
I invited everyone to journey with their star all year long - to see where the word moves them in prayer, pushes or pulls them in faith, and how it opens their hearts to God’s call on their lives. I encouraged them to ponder what significance it might have in their life, and how God might be speaking to them through it. I told them to expect to be challenged and stretched and to expect God to lead them to places they never expected through this word!
This isn't an original idea. A growing number of church communities have been doing it for some time. Read what Kristin Stroble says about Star Words here
Over the last two weeks there has been a buzz around our congregation as people have shared their words with one another. Some have quietly smiled to themselves, some have laughed out loud, some have been a little disturbed, some puzzled. The process was designed to be completely random, yet the words in so many cases have been such a good fit. I can't wait to hear how God will work through these words in our community and beyond.
I received a Star Word too. Mine is Thankfulness. My plan is to blog about my star word here as much or as little as I am able this year.

Star Word Entry 1

Today I had an impromptu lunch with a delightful friend who I haven't seen in way too long. We had a lovely conversation and I left with a deep sense of joy and love and being loved. 
Just now, as I reflected on this, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for all the people and those relationships that I have in my life. 
My husband, family, close friends, new friends, old friends, colleagues, mentors and mentorees.. all are a blessing to me in so many different ways. 
Each one brings a smile to my face as I think of shared memories, laughter and tears.
For this I am so Thankful.

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